Threat Detection

Encryption = Privacy ≠ Security

For the past few years, many have been talking about the changing “threat landscape” as it pertains to the increase in zero day, insider and phishing threats. While all of these threats are on the rise, and constitute a concern, there is, perhaps, an even larger shift presenting a threat to enterprises – the shift […]

Encryption = Privacy ≠ Security Read More →

How the Role of the Modern Security Analyst is Changing

As organizations began to rely more heavily on networking to carry out their operations over the past decade, IT teams added security analyst positions. These professionals focused on network security and providing regulatory compliance oversight.  Over time, the role of the security analyst has expanded to include threat hunting tasks. That is, evaluating security platform

How the Role of the Modern Security Analyst is Changing Read More →

New Whitepaper: How Predictive AI is Disrupting the Cybersecurity Industry

Our newest whitepaper, “How Predictive AI is Disrupting the Cybersecurity Industry,” evaluates several common SecOps issues around Network Traffic Analysis, explaining why typical solutions are wholly ineffective and represent sunk costs versus added value. We examine how self-supervised learning AI is poised to overcome the SecOps challenges of protecting today’s distributed networks.

New Whitepaper: How Predictive AI is Disrupting the Cybersecurity Industry Read More →

The Many Ways Your Employees Can Get Hacked While Working From Home and How to Respond

Although it is not surprising at all that hackers are taking advantage of the global pandemic —phishing threat reports are always highest when there is some natural disaster happening— we have never before had such an unsafe environment to protect. Here are a few of the most popular malicious acts:

The Many Ways Your Employees Can Get Hacked While Working From Home and How to Respond Read More →

What the Clearview AI Breach Tells Us About Cybersecurity Today

The 2020 Clearview AI data breach spawned hundreds of attention-grabbing headlines, and for good reason. The company works closely with law enforcement agencies and other entities by sharing personal information about millions of people, for a variety of purposes. The breach raised many questions about the vulnerability of personal data in general.

What the Clearview AI Breach Tells Us About Cybersecurity Today Read More →

New Video: How does MixMode’s context-aware AI build a network baseline?

MixMode’s leadership team came together to share more on how our context-aware AI builds network baselines for organizations across the globe, it’s predictive capabilities, and how MixMode helps you more intelligently discover anomalies within your network environment.

New Video: How does MixMode’s context-aware AI build a network baseline? Read More →

A Well-Equipped Security Team Could Save You Millions of Dollars a Year

Data breaches are expensive. By now, most organizations are well aware of this fact. When it comes to resource planning, however, SecOps teams need concrete data to ensure adequate funding is available to handle a breach.

A Well-Equipped Security Team Could Save You Millions of Dollars a Year Read More →

Staying CCPA Compliant with MixMode’s Unsupervised AI

Companies are expected to spend up to $55 billion dollars on efforts to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which is still working out its final rules after going into effect this month.

Staying CCPA Compliant with MixMode’s Unsupervised AI Read More →

Yesterday’s SIEM Solutions Can’t Combat Today’s Cyberthreats

While it’s true that having a SIEM is better than forgoing network monitoring all together, a standalone SIEM solution is simply insufficient in today’s cybersecurity landscape. Hackers and other bad actors have become more sophisticated — many of today’s cybercriminals can easily outsmart a standard SIEM setup.

Yesterday’s SIEM Solutions Can’t Combat Today’s Cyberthreats Read More →

Hacks and Breaches of 2019: A Year in Review

The reality is that most companies and entities are entrusted with sensitive data. As regulations tighten and consumer expectations rise, it is more important than ever to protect data, whenever it is gathered, accessed, shared, or stored. Let’s take a look at a few of the newsworthy data breaches that happened in 2019. Often, studying these cases can inform SecOps teams about what not to do.

Hacks and Breaches of 2019: A Year in Review Read More →

The Evolution of “Next-Generation” Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security

The new MixMode & RAVENii whitepaper, “The Evolution of ‘Next-Generation’ Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security,” is a comprehensive look at how third-wave AI is improving modern network security across connected manufacturing networks and beyond.

The Evolution of “Next-Generation” Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security Read More →

Generative Unsupervised Learning vs. Discriminative Clustering Technology: Which Prevents Zero-Day Attacks?

Knowing the difference between Discriminative and Generative Unsupervised Learning can tell you a lot about the effectiveness of a cybersecurity solution’s artificial intelligence, for example, whether or not that security solution can perform actions like identifying and stopping a zero-day attack.

Generative Unsupervised Learning vs. Discriminative Clustering Technology: Which Prevents Zero-Day Attacks? Read More →

Case Study: MixMode AI Detects Attack not Found on Threat Intel

In October, 2019 a MixMode customer experienced an incident where an external entity attacked a web server located in their DMZ, compromised it, and then pivoted internally through the DMZ to attempt access of a customer database. While the attacker was successful in penetrating the customer’s network, MixMode was able to detect the event before they were successful in penetrating the customer database.

Case Study: MixMode AI Detects Attack not Found on Threat Intel Read More →