New Video: MixMode Cyber Anomaly Detection Platform

We recently released a new video to better explain how MixMode’s next-generation cybersecurity anomaly detection platform combines the functionality of SIEM, NDR, NTA and UEBA for advanced threat detection, zero day attack identification, false positive alert reduction, forensic investigation and more.

Cybersecurity spend has increased every year for the last decade yet over the last 5 years, successful cyber attacks have grown by over 600%. Legacy security platforms have failed to protect enterprises across the globe due to their constant need for human training, oversight and the rules-driven AI they use. This leaves SOC teams two steps behind their attackers and only able to identify attacks that have happened in the past and vulnerable to non-signature threats. 

See how MixMode requires zero written rules to function using context-aware AI to alert security teams faster and with better accuracy to zero-day attacks:

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