Video: The Exponential Data Problem with Legacy Cybersecurity Tool Stacks

MixMode’s Head of Sales and Alliances, Geoff Coulehan, understands first-hand the challenges current and incoming MixMode customers are facing with their unwieldy cybersecurity tool stacks. 

Over the past decade legacy SOC teams have stacked multiple security and analysis platforms on top of log management and correlative analysis systems to organize, query, and investigate data. 

“Very quickly people started to realize as next-generation firewalls came online and more and more additive data sources became relevant that the volumes of data increased and the storage capacity for those systems and the ability to query them in a reasonable timeframe very quickly diminished,” Coulehan shares. 

These stacks started to break down for security teams when it became obvious that they needed to triage information from multiple systems of record to get a holistic picture of the threats that they were tasked to deal with. 

Coulehan dives deeper into this challenge and how MixMode is helping to solve this exponential data problem in cybersecurity in this video: