This year alone enterprises are set to spend over 150 billion dollars on new cybersecurity defenses. But there is a problem. It’s not working.
Enterprises continue to spend more money on tools but the number of successful attacks continue to rise because vendors continue to overpromise and under deliver.
The sad truth is, the more cybersecurity tools an enterprise deploys the less effective their defense is.

Join us for our upcoming webinar on Thursday, July 8th at 11:00 AM (PDT), “Tool Sprawl: The Trillion Dollar Problem in Cybersecurity.” It will be hosted by former CISO of CBRE and Current CEO of 5Q, Don Goldstein, and Matt Shea, MixMode’s Head of Federal. They will discuss and review the trillion dollar problem of tool sprawl, how it was created by vendors and industry analysts intent on selling goods and services that ultimately are failing to defend organizations, and how a new way of looking at cybersecurity can help us overcome it.
Register today: