MixMode Whitepaper
Is "One-Click-Remediation" Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams?

Advanced Cyber Threat Detection platforms providing automated novel attack protection are thriving, while legacy, data dependent cyber tools continue to struggle. To counteract the ever-increasing lack of customer confidence, legacy tool vendors are making increasingly bold and inaccurate claims to boost revenues. Most recently, one-click, automated remediation has emerged as a popular “click-bait” headline.
Network Traffic Analytics vendors, those dependent on traditional rules and limited AI in particular, are struggling to compete with emerging and more effective AI technology. As a result, many are desperately trying to capitalize the mid-market’s budgetary, understaffing, and experiential deficiencies in addressing modern cyber threats.
Download the MixMode Whitepaper

MixMode Whitepaper: Is "One-Click-Remediation" Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams

Advanced Cyber Threat Detection platforms providing automated novel attack protection are thriving, while legacy, data dependent cyber tools continue to struggle. To counteract the ever-increasing lack of customer confidence, legacy tool vendors are making increasingly bold and inaccurate claims to boost revenues. Most recently, one-click, automated remediation has emerged as a popular “click-bait” headline.
Network Traffic Analytics vendors, those dependent on traditional rules and limited AI in particular, are struggling to compete with emerging and more effective AI technology. As a result, many are desperately trying to capitalize the mid-market’s budgetary, understaffing, and experiential deficiencies in addressing modern cyber threats.