Mixmode Blog
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Understanding the Evolution and Impact of AI on Cybersecurity
MixMode’s unsupervised, third-wave AI computes patterns of interaction over many different timescales, contrasting it over the next 5-minute interval with what was seen previously. Should patterns deviate, the platform performs an assessment of the security risk implied in that deviation and presents it to the user.
Read MoreUpdated for 2022: What is Network Detection and Response (NDR)? A Beginner’s Guide
Network detection and response, or NDR, has been established as a key tool for companies seeking to improve their threat response. It has become a network security strategy which developed in response to perceived shortcomings in existing network security systems.
Read MoreCustomer Case Study: Self-Learning Cyber Defense for Financial Institutions
The nation’s largest Financial Services providers are a favorite target for nation-state sponsored and coordinated cyber-attacks. Despite significantly more financial and resource investment in cybersecurity than any other industry, critical infrastructure breaches and novel attacks remain a daily occurrence.
Read MoreFalse Narratives in the Cybersecurity Tools Market
Mature cyber security teams understand a harsh reality often ignored by legacy cyber tools vendors: correlation must not be confused with causation.
Read MoreThe Broken Promises From Cybersecurity Vendors
Cybersecurity tool vendors understand that historically, the determining factors for a successful Security Operations Center (SOC) have been dependent entirely on 2 operational factors rather than the underlying technology.
Read MoreHow MixMode is Embracing Zero Trust
Zero-trust is at the heart of the MixMode solution through its use of Self-Learning, Unsupervised AI. The AI is driven by a zero-trust generative model that initially takes no historical knowledge to function and is unbiased from human alteration.
Read MoreWhitepaper: Is “One-Click Remediation” Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams?
Geoffrey Coulehan, Head of Sales for MixMode, pens our latest whitepaper on the misleading “one-click remediation” claims that many cybersecurity tool vendors are using in the marketplace.
Read MoreCan You Predict a Cyber Attack Before It Happens?
When hackers breach a network, focus naturally, and wisely, turns to the first point of intrusion. But a wider view, one that includes an understanding of what happened after the breach can empower your organization to predict — and most important, prevent — the next attack. MixMode is helping organizations across the country do just that, every day.
Read MoreCan Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Solution Solve These Two Challenges? You May Be More Vulnerable Than You Realize
Of all the challenges facing the modern SOC, two stand out among the most persistent and difficult to overcome: an overwhelming volume of false positive alerts and an alarming escalation in zero-day and novel threats that are often imperceptible by legacy systems.
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