Guide: How to Choose an AI-Based Cybersecurity Platform

What does it actually mean when a cybersecurity vendor claims their product is “AI-enhanced” or that it uses machine learning?

Most cybersecurity vendors today tout some form of “Artificial Intelligence” as an underlying mechanism for the differentiation of their product among the market. But if everyone is saying they have AI, and everyone is also claiming theirs is the “best,” how can they all be telling the truth?

Many currently available cybersecurity solutions are based upon off-the-shelf technologies, loosely cobbled together, which require as much, if not more, operator intervention than the legacy systems they are meant to replace. 

Those interventions do not come cheap. The overall resource cost involved with maintaining and tuning these so-called solutions can far exceed the initial installation fee.

There are several red flags organizations should keep in mind while shopping for a cybersecurity system. The list of questions in our newest guide, “How to Choose an AI-Based Cybersecurity Platform,” can help steer you away from inadequate, expensive products and toward more capable, modern AI technology.

In the guide, we discuss the considerations you should make when choosing an AI-based platform including: 

  • What Resources Does the System Require?
  • Can the System Adapt as Your Network Evolves and Expands?
  • What About Recurring and Additive Costs?
  • How Does the System Handle Outside Events?
  • Is the Solution Efficient?
  • Is It Really Unsupervised?
  • How Is the AI Trained?

Click here to read more in the 7-page guide, “How to Choose an AI-Based Cybersecurity Platform.”

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