How the City of Phoenix Rapidly Modernized its Cybersecurity Defenses

The City of Phoenix’s cybersecurity leaders, Shannon Lawson and Mitchell Kohlbecker, have been at the forefront of adopting new technology to solve the fundamental problem perplexing cybersecurity leaders everywhere: how can we reduce our ever-expanding, costly and inefficient cyber tool footprint while also increasing the effectiveness of our cyber defenses and the productivity of our lean SOC team?

“For 15 years I have been trying to implement a cyber defense that surfaces increasingly sophisticated threats in real-time, with the least amount of maintenance and cost. This problem has grown exponentially with exploding cloud utilization, architecture and network complexities. The good guys have fallen too far behind the advanced threat actors.”

Shannon Lawson
CISO, City of Phoenix

When the City of Phoenix’s leadership team was approached by a Federal agency notifying them of active targeting by a foreign nation state sponsored threat actor using advanced techniques designed to circumvent traditional rule and threshold-based cybersecurity tools, Shannon knew the City could no longer rely on its expansive, costly and ineffective legacy systems. The City’s existing cybersecurity platforms failed to detect advanced attacks, despite ever-increasing IT investments in these legacy tools and the required training and certifications of their SOC team to use them. 

MixMode worked with the City of Phoenix’s cybersecurity team to deploy a next-generation SOC platform using Self-Learning Artificial Intelligence to enable real-time visibility into all threats and anomalies in their network, both known and novel (like zero-days), consolidate their legacy toolset, and improve the productivity of their SOC team.

“The MixMode platform was live and delivering insights other platforms had missed within 24 hours”

Mitchell Kohlbecker
Deputy CISO, City of Phoenix

Learn how the City of Phoenix cut its cyber tool footprint in half, gained visibility into advanced foreign adversary attacks, and greatly improved the productivity of its SOC staff.

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