How a Government Entity Switched to MixMode and Decreased Data Storage Costs by 50%

Data is the beating heart of every modern organization, but it’s only valuable when it’s accessible, understandable, and most importantly, protected.

Well-intentioned municipalities and enterprises work toward these goals by attempting to craft sound network architecture, deploying security software and designating repositories for sorting and storing data.

As discussed in our recent white paper, “The Data Overload Problem in Cybersecurity,” many organizations find that as they grow and scale, the systems they’ve put in place are not able to fully manage and protect constant incoming and outgoing streams of data. Networks become overloaded, vulnerabilities appear and bad actors swoop in to take advantage.

Over time, enterprises turn to solutions like Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), which, vendors promise, will allow them to maintain control and oversight of their data, at a reasonable cost.

Unfortunately, more often than not, SIEM platforms outright fail at achieving what they promise and they end up costing enterprises significantly more than originally budgeted.

Because SIEM is completely reliant on log data and enterprise data is constantly expanding, organizations are often hit with storage bills that far exceed initial cost projections. At the root of this spiraling cost issue is the inherent nature of the solutions large enterprises use to police their networks.

Continue reading our newest customer story here: 

How a Government Entity Switched to MixMode and Decreased Data Storage Costs by 50%

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