In Case You Missed It: 2 Cyber Expert Webinars Now Available On-Demand

Over the past couple of months MixMode has teamed up with leading cybersecurity experts for a pair of enterprise-focused webinars to discuss the challenges for both legacy and emerging cybersecurity solutions. 

In case you missed them, we are sharing details here with links to view each webinar on demand. 

Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks

In partnership with Ravenii, our 60-minute talk was hosted by MixMode’s Head of Sales and Alliances, Geoff Coulehan, CEO of Ravenii, Jeff Shipley, and MixMode’s CTO & Chief Scientist, Igor Mezic. They discussed key topics including:

  • The new threat landscape of adversarial AI and intelligent bad actors
  • Why rules-based security platforms are ineffective today
  • How legacy platforms have completely failed to defend against modern day attacks
  • How CISO’s and security teams are turning the tide with modern cybersecurity platforms that consolidate the tool stack and apply a next generation method of cyberdefense

To kick off the discussion, panelists discussed why rules-based security platforms are failing to protect and defend organizations in today’s threatscape.

Key Quote:

“There needs to be a change in the paradigm on how we detect and defend. The cyber attackers have access to the AI tools we have as well to create more sophisticated attacks. But people continue to buy point solutions that overlap on things that we already know.”

Jeff Shipley, CEO of Ravenii

Get the full recap and link to the webinar here.

Tool Sprawl – The Trillion Dollar Problem in Cybersecurity

In partnership with 5Q, our 60-minute talk was hosted by MixMode’s Head of Federal, Matt Shea, and former CISO of CBRE and Current CEO of 5Q, Don Goldstein. They discussed key topics including:

  • The big business of cybersecurity tools
  • The many problems with tool sprawl
  • The advancing threat landscape 
  • The benefits of tool consolidation and adaptability

Key Quote:

“There is a trend of consolidation. From a Federal and DOD perspective, they need to reduce tools. Part of that is because of budget, but operationally they can’t have so many tools that you’re moving a pipeline of information around and having analysts trying to find threats and respond fast enough. You have to consolidate. The DOD calls it “12 in 12.” Getting down to 12 tools in 12 months.”

Matt Shea, Head of Federal at MixMode

Get the full recap and link to the webinar here.

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