New Video: How Does MixMode’s AI Evolve Over Time With a Customer’s Environment?

Yes, it’s important to know what has happened in the past to prevent it from happening again in the future. That’s history 101. And it’s also what your current security stack is good at: looking at historical logs, endpoints and network data for analysis and correlation to understand the threats and known bad files from 6, 12, 24 months ago. 

But what happens when your network is compromised by something it has never seen before? Do you have the ability to be predictive? 

Your network environment – the constant flow of traffic and data – is changing and evolving constantly. Too quickly for a human analyst to tag, label, and identify anomalies. A layer of unsupervised, self-learning AI is needed to transparently evolve with your environment to catch zero-day, unknown threats. 

MixMode leaders John Keister, Dr. Igor Mezic, Bryan Elliot, and Russell Gray share how the single algorithm that is the foundation of MixMode’s self-learning AI can understand and continually build a generative baseline of your network without human training. 

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