Our Q2 Top Cybersecurity Insights

No one could have imagined or predicted what Q2 had in store for all of us this year. Global quarantines, economic turbulence, and a complete overhaul of business processes and procedures. 

However, at MixMode we adapted quickly, continued innovating, served our current and new customers with the highest service possible, and doubled down on our commitment to consistently contribute our insights and knowledge to the cybersecurity community.

Since we determine everything on data here at MixMode, we went into our website data to see which of our Q2 articles got the most traffic over the past few months. Not surprisingly, the majority of our top articles covered topics on the advancement of AI in cybersecurity and network traffic analysis (NTA). 

Here is a roundup of our top 5 articles from Q2 – and the key insights from each:

IDC Report: MixMode – An Unsupervised AI-Driven Network Traffic Analysis Platform

IDC, the premier global market intelligence firm, released a vendor report in April on MixMode’s Next-Generation AI Powered network traffic analysis platform.

The report examines how MixMode’s AI-enabled, multistream security platform empowers security teams to solve the information overload problem by combining and correlating data across SIEM, firewall, cloud data, and wire data into one platform and drastically reduce the number of security alerts and automate the threat identification process.
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Self-Supervised Learning – The Third-Wave in Cybersecurity AI

The relationship between modern cybersecurity solutions and AI has become inextricable. The unfortunate reality is that even the most talented and responsive SecOps teams are unable to manually catch every threat posed to the sprawling, hybrid networks on which today’s organizations rely.

Forward-looking organizations know they need to bring AI and machine learning based security tools onboard. As they begin looking into their options, the challenge becomes deciding if security companies can truly back up the claims they are making about their artificial intelligence and if their solutions are actually providing value.
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New Whitepaper: How Predictive AI is Disrupting the Cybersecurity Industry

Published in May, our whitepaper, “How Predictive AI is Disrupting the Cybersecurity Industry,” evaluates several common SecOps issues around Network Traffic Analysis, explaining why typical solutions are wholly ineffective and represent sunk costs versus added value. We examine how self-supervised learning AI is poised to overcome the SecOps challenges of protecting today’s distributed networks.

We examine the current state of the cybersecurity solutions marketplace:

  • Moving Beyond First- and Second-Wave AI Solutions, Making Sense of the AI-Enhanced Cybersecurity Market
  • The Inherent Inefficiency and Inaccuracy of Stand-Alone SIEM Platforms

We also take a look at three security operations center issues negatively impacting Network Traffic Analysis:

  • The Wasteful Culture of False Positives and the Wasted Potential of Security Analysts
  • The Human Error Factor
  • The Shifting Definition of “Baseline”

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Redefining the Definition of “Baseline” in Cybersecurity

While the standard baselining process provides insight into past network behavior, historical data is limited in predicting future behavior. Additionally, most Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform solutions cannot make decisions while taking context into account. These systems will trigger alerts anytime network behavior occurs that doesn’t match historical data. 

The result is an ever-growing list of false positive alarms that security analysts have to sort through, and potentially, a false sense of security. Without a good baseline and a security solution that is smart enough to analyze real-time behavior against it, a network is at risk.
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The Many Ways Your Employees Can Get Hacked While Working From Home and How to Respond

Check Point, together with Dimensional Research, recently surveyed 411 IT and security professionals, all from organizations of 500 or more employees globally and from a range of industries.

“The results are sobering. 71% of security professionals have noticed an increase in security threats or attacks since the beginning of the Coronavirus outbreak,” the report stated. 

Phishing (55%), of course, came out on top as the leading Coronavirus-based threat, followed by malicious websites that claim to give advice or whacky remedies for COVID-19 (32%). Increases in malware (28%) and ransomware attacks (19%) were also noticed. 
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