ebooks and infographics

Zero-Day Exploits: The Executive’s Cybersecurity Nightmare and How MixMode can Help

eBook: Zero-Day Exploits – The Executives Nightmare and How MixMode Can Help Download Schedule a Demo 🖥️ Zero-Day Exploits – The Executives Nightmare and How MixMode Can Help Zero-day attacks pose a critical threat to modern organizations, exploiting unknown software vulnerabilities before they can be patched. These sophisticated attacks are frequently leveraged by nation-state actors

Zero-Day Exploits: The Executive’s Cybersecurity Nightmare and How MixMode can Help Read More →

Empowering the Investigation Process with MixMode

eBook: Empowering the Investigation Process with MixMode Download Schedule a Demo 🖥️ Empowering the Investigation Process with MixMode For a cybersecurity platform, the production of an alert is typically the result of a sequence of log collection and analytics processing. In this way, the alert delivery is, in many cases, the end of the story

Empowering the Investigation Process with MixMode Read More →

Don’t Be Left in the Dark! The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity

Infographic: Don’t Be Left in the Dark! The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity Download Schedule a Demo 🖥️ The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity Drowning in a sea of alerts is painful enough, stop drowning in a sea of cybersecurity vendor claims. Promises of invincible AI protection can be intoxicating, but many solutions

Don’t Be Left in the Dark! The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity Read More →

Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide in 2024

Infographic: Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide in 2024 Download Schedule a Demo 🖥️ Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide in 2024 This report identifies countries facing the highest and lowest levels of cyber threats in 2024, providing a global overview of key vulnerabilities and secure environments. A high Cyber Safety Score indicates

Highest Risk Countries for Cyber Threats Worldwide in 2024 Read More →

Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape

Whitepaper: Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Whitepaper: Addressing 2024 CISO and Security Team Goals with MixModeThe cybersecurity landscape is in a state of perpetual flux. As technology advances and attackers develop ever-more sophisticated tactics, CISOs and security teams face a constant battle of trying to stay ahead of the curve.

Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape Read More →

Unlocking the Power of True AI: MixMode’s Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity Solution

We have now reached the Third wave of AI: Contextual Reasoning. This revolutionary approach, pioneered by MixMode in cybersecurity, utilizes self-supervised and explainable AI to independently learn and adapt without reliance on rules or training data.

Unlocking the Power of True AI: MixMode’s Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity Solution Read More →

AI-Driven Cybersecurity That Stands on its Own

eBook: AI-Driven Cybersecurity that Stands on it’s Own Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ eBook: AI-Driven Cybersecurity that Stands on it’s OwnUnleash the Power of AI-Driven Cybersecurity with MixMode In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, traditional security solutions are struggling to keep up with the relentless onslaught of sophisticated threats. Unlike legacy solutions that rely on

AI-Driven Cybersecurity That Stands on its Own Read More →

Strengths & Weaknesses of Legacy Solutions

Infographic: Strengths & Weaknesses of Legacy Solutions Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Infographic: Strengths & Weaknesses of Legacy SolutionsThe evolving threat landscape and the proliferation of modern advanced threats have exposed the capability gaps of legacy security tools, necessitating a paradigm shift in the approach to threat detection and response. The importance of adaptable and

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Bridging the Gaps: Why ITDR is the Missing Link in Identity Protection

Bridging the Gaps: Why ITDR is the Missing Link in Identity Protection Download Schedule a Demo 🖥️ Bridging the Gaps: Why ITDR is the Missing Link in Identity Protection The identity threat landscape is constantly evolving, with new threats emerging all the time. Attackers are increasingly targeting identity data in order to gain access to

Bridging the Gaps: Why ITDR is the Missing Link in Identity Protection Read More →

ISMG Report: Using AI to Find Novel Attacks – A ‘Radical New Approach’

ISMG Report: Using AI to Find Novel Attacks – A ‘Radical New Approach’ Download Using AI to Find Novel Attacks – A ‘Radical New Approach’ Matt Shea – Chief Strategy Officer MixMode AI The bad guys are using large language models like ChatGPT. There has been a rise in the number of novel attacks meant

ISMG Report: Using AI to Find Novel Attacks – A ‘Radical New Approach’ Read More →

Ebook: Utilizing AI Effectively in Cybersecurity

Ebook: Utilizing AI Effectively in Cybersecurity Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Utilizing AI Effectively in CybersecurityArtificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized cybersecurity by enabling a more proactive and adaptive approach to defend against ever-evolving cyber threats. AI technologies like machine learning, natural language processing, and intelligent automation are addressing critical security challenges. Download the eBook Click

Ebook: Utilizing AI Effectively in Cybersecurity Read More →

Ebook: Top 5 Challenges Federal Government Agencies Face when detecting cyberthreats

Ebook: Top 5 Challenges Fed Agencies Face to Detect and Respond to Advanced Threats Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Top 5 Challenges Fed Agencies Face to Detect and Respond to Advanced ThreatsFederal government agencies face many challenges in detecting and  responding to advanced threats in today’s dynamic cybersecurity landscape. These challenges arise from the constantly

Ebook: Top 5 Challenges Federal Government Agencies Face when detecting cyberthreats Read More →

Ebook: Cloud Security VS. on Prem

Ebook: Cloud Security VS. on Prem Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Ebook: Cloud Security VS. on PremIn an era of digital transformation, cloud computing has emerged as a cornerstone of business operations, enabling organizations to scale rapidly, drive innovation, and achieve operational agility. It’s also revolutionized the way organizations store, access, and manage their data

Ebook: Cloud Security VS. on Prem Read More →

Infographic: The Three Waves of Artificial Intelligence

Infographic: The Three Waves of Artificial Intelligence Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Infographic: The Three Waves of Artificial IntelligenceAI-driven solutions are becoming increasingly important in detecting sophisticated threats. But not all AI based cybersecurity solutions are the same. Most solutions are utilizing First and Second Wave artificial intelligence, relying on rules-based approaches that can only

Infographic: The Three Waves of Artificial Intelligence Read More →

Infographic: AI Detection in Cybersecurity

Infographic: AI Detection in Cybersecurity Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Infographic: AI Detection in CybersecurityFoundational Models can be applied to various aspects of cybersecurity, in this infographic we explain how. Download the Infographic Click the button below to download the infographic Download Ready to join the next wave of Cybersecurity? Stop wasting time and money

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Infographic: Financial Services VS. Cyber Attacks: A Data-Driven Analysis

Infographic: Financial Services VS. Cyber Attacks: A Data-Driven Analysis Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Infographic: Financial Services VS. Cyber Attacks: A Data-Driven AnalysisFinancial Services Organizations are prime targets for cybercriminals due to the vast amounts of valuable data they handle, including sensitive customer information, financial transactions, and intellectual property. Download the Infographic Click the button

Infographic: Financial Services VS. Cyber Attacks: A Data-Driven Analysis Read More →

Infographic: Beyond Firewalls: The Next Era of Cloud Security

Infographic: Beyond Firewalls: The Next Era of Cloud Security Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Infographic: Beyond Firewalls: The Next Era of Cloud SecurityIn today’s digital world, cloud security is vital for protecting sensitive data, complying with regulations, mitigating risks, ensuring business continuity, and maintaining trust with stakeholders. Download the Infographic Click the button below to

Infographic: Beyond Firewalls: The Next Era of Cloud Security Read More →

The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective at Detecting Advanced Attacks

The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective at Detecting Advanced Attacks Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective at Detecting Advanced AttacksSIEM technology has been around for decades, and while it was once an effective solution, it is no longer enough to

The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective at Detecting Advanced Attacks Read More →