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eBook: The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective At Detecting Advanced Attacks

Relying solely on legacy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology is no longer sufficient to protect enterprise organizations from the rising amount of modern, ai-developed, sophisticated cyberattacks. In our newest eBook, we examine the limitations of SIEMs and emphasize the need for an AI-driven dynamic threat detection and response platform.

Our Top 5 Cybersecurity Insights from 2019

This year on the MixMode blog, we have covered headline stories, analyzed every pain point within network security, and shared what we believe to be some of the most innovative solutions to help you analyze network traffic, surface threats and anomalies, and stop attacks using autonomous AI.

AI-Enabled Cybersecurity Is Necessary for Defense: Capgemini Report

850 senior executives from Information Security, Cybersecurity, and IT Operations in seven industries across ten countries were recently surveyed by consulting and technology services firm, Capgemini, in their “Reinventing Cybersecurity with Artificial Intelligence” report. The goal being to understand today’s benefits, complexities, and levels of implementation of AI in cybersecurity across IT (information technology), OT (operation …

AI-Enabled Cybersecurity Is Necessary for Defense: Capgemini Report Read More →