False Positives

eBook: The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective At Detecting Advanced Attacks

Relying solely on legacy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology is no longer sufficient to protect enterprise organizations from the rising amount of modern, ai-developed, sophisticated cyberattacks. In our newest eBook, we examine the limitations of SIEMs and emphasize the need for an AI-driven dynamic threat detection and response platform.

Video: Modernizing Phoenix’s Cybersecurity to Combat Nation-State Attacks

Shannon Lawson, CISO for the City of Phoenix, and Geoffrey Coulehan, Head of Sales for MixMode recently joined forces for a fireside chat at the Evanta CISO Summit in Phoenix, AZ. Lawson and Coulehan have been partnering together for almost three years to transform the City’s cybersecurity initiatives and Security Operations Center (SOC). 

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in municipal settings face a constant struggle — protecting vital public network infrastructure with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

What is Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity?

Anomaly detection, the “identification of rare occurrences, items, or events of concern due to their differing characteristics from the majority of the processed data,” allows organizations to track “security errors, structural defects and even bank fraud,” according to DeepAI and described in three main forms of anomaly detection as: unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised. Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts use each of these approaches to varying degrees of effectiveness in Cybersecurity applications.

Whitepaper: The Failed Promises of SIEM

The fundamental SIEM flaws lie in the platform’s need for continual adjustment, endless data stores, and a tendency to create an overwhelming number of false positives. When organizations instead turn to a next-generation cybersecurity solution, which predicts behavior with an unsupervised (zero tuning) system, they are poised to save on both financial and human resources.

3 Reasons Why a Rule-Based Cybersecurity Platform Will Always Fail

When it comes to advancements in cybersecurity, rule-based systems are holding the industry back. Relying on humans to constantly input and label rules in order to detect and stay ahead of threats is a bottleneck process that is setting security teams up for failure, especially with tools like SIEM, NDR, and NTA.

How the Role of the Modern Security Analyst is Changing

As organizations began to rely more heavily on networking to carry out their operations over the past decade, IT teams added security analyst positions. These professionals focused on network security and providing regulatory compliance oversight.  Over time, the role of the security analyst has expanded to include threat hunting tasks. That is, evaluating security platform …

How the Role of the Modern Security Analyst is Changing Read More →