False Negatives

The Alert Avalanche: Why Prioritizing Security Alerts is a Matter of Survival

One constant remains in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape: the barrage of security alerts. From firewalls to EDRs, security products diligently scan networks and systems, bombarding security teams with constant notifications of potential attacks. But what happens when the sheer volume of alerts becomes overwhelming? Enter the silent enemy—alert fatigue.

The Alert Avalanche: Why Prioritizing Security Alerts is a Matter of Survival Read More →

Video: Modernizing Phoenix’s Cybersecurity to Combat Nation-State Attacks

Shannon Lawson, CISO for the City of Phoenix, and Geoffrey Coulehan, Head of Sales for MixMode recently joined forces for a fireside chat at the Evanta CISO Summit in Phoenix, AZ. Lawson and Coulehan have been partnering together for almost three years to transform the City’s cybersecurity initiatives and Security Operations Center (SOC). 

Video: Modernizing Phoenix’s Cybersecurity to Combat Nation-State Attacks Read More →

Financial Services IT Teams Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in financial and banking settings face a constant struggle — protecting industry regulated data with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

Financial Services IT Teams Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives Read More →

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in municipal settings face a constant struggle — protecting vital public network infrastructure with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives Read More →