
Hacks and Breaches of 2019: A Year in Review

The reality is that most companies and entities are entrusted with sensitive data. As regulations tighten and consumer expectations rise, it is more important than ever to protect data, whenever it is gathered, accessed, shared, or stored. Let’s take a look at a few of the newsworthy data breaches that happened in 2019. Often, studying these cases can inform SecOps teams about what not to do.

Our Top 5 Cybersecurity Insights from 2019

This year on the MixMode blog, we have covered headline stories, analyzed every pain point within network security, and shared what we believe to be some of the most innovative solutions to help you analyze network traffic, surface threats and anomalies, and stop attacks using autonomous AI.

What Trends Will Shape the Cybersecurity Industry in 2020?

In this environment, it’s no surprise that U.S. CEOs rated cybersecurity as their top external concern in a survey conducted by the Conference Board. Those worries are unlikely to fade anytime soon, but 2020 also brings fresh opportunities for proactive measures to secure sensitive information. Here’s what you need to know about the trends that are currently emerging in cybersecurity and how you can make a difference in the future of the field:

The Evolution of “Next-Generation” Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security

The new MixMode & RAVENii whitepaper, “The Evolution of ‘Next-Generation’ Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security,” is a comprehensive look at how third-wave AI is improving modern network security across connected manufacturing networks and beyond.

Generative Unsupervised Learning vs. Discriminative Clustering Technology: Which Prevents Zero-Day Attacks?

Knowing the difference between Discriminative and Generative Unsupervised Learning can tell you a lot about the effectiveness of a cybersecurity solution’s artificial intelligence, for example, whether or not that security solution can perform actions like identifying and stopping a zero-day attack.

Case Study: MixMode AI Detects Attack not Found on Threat Intel

In October, 2019 a MixMode customer experienced an incident where an external entity attacked a web server located in their DMZ, compromised it, and then pivoted internally through the DMZ to attempt access of a customer database. While the attacker was successful in penetrating the customer’s network, MixMode was able to detect the event before they were successful in penetrating the customer database.

Dynamic and Flexible AI for Network Security

Third-Wave artificial intelligence (also known as Wave 3 AI), is making life a whole lot easier for security systems administrators. It seems like we just passed the milestones of incorporating AI into network security. But Dr. Igor Mezic and others in this field have made huge strides in the last year. In his new whitepaper on AI for Network Security, Dr. Mezic describes how Third-Wave AI brings flexibility and intuition into the world of machine learning.