Data Privacy

Protecting Your Enterprise from Ransomware with MixMode

Monthly reports that lack relevant details about an organization’s true risk level are insufficient and not representative of the further steps an organization should take to protect itself. This approach leaves organizations feeling secure against the threat of ransomware while they are actually left exposed to potentially expensive, wide-scale damage.

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10 Eye-Opening Data Breach Statistics (and How You Can Better Protect Your Network)

While we’re seeing more data breaches than in years past, being proactive can make an enormous difference. Head-in-sand is not the optimal position for any modern organization with a network-based infrastructure. Education about the nature of modern data breaches is a great place to start.

10 Eye-Opening Data Breach Statistics (and How You Can Better Protect Your Network) Read More →

Encryption = Privacy ≠ Security

For the past few years, many have been talking about the changing “threat landscape” as it pertains to the increase in zero day, insider and phishing threats. While all of these threats are on the rise, and constitute a concern, there is, perhaps, an even larger shift presenting a threat to enterprises – the shift

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What the Clearview AI Breach Tells Us About Cybersecurity Today

The 2020 Clearview AI data breach spawned hundreds of attention-grabbing headlines, and for good reason. The company works closely with law enforcement agencies and other entities by sharing personal information about millions of people, for a variety of purposes. The breach raised many questions about the vulnerability of personal data in general.

What the Clearview AI Breach Tells Us About Cybersecurity Today Read More →

5 Cloud Security Challenges Facing Enterprises Today

Recent advances in cloud data storage capabilities have changed the way many organizations handle data and conduct business. While the expansion of cloud data represents new opportunities for growth, these organizations will have to confront new and emerging security threats unique to the cloud.  Cloud Storage Security Challenges These five cloud security threats do not

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Staying CCPA Compliant with MixMode’s Unsupervised AI

Companies are expected to spend up to $55 billion dollars on efforts to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which is still working out its final rules after going into effect this month.

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