Regulations & Compliance

Whitepaper: The Failed Promises of SIEM

The fundamental SIEM flaws lie in the platform’s need for continual adjustment, endless data stores, and a tendency to create an overwhelming number of false positives. When organizations instead turn to a next-generation cybersecurity solution, which predicts behavior with an unsupervised (zero tuning) system, they are poised to save on both financial and human resources.

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How Data Normalization in Cybersecurity Impacts Regulatory Compliance

Complying with privacy regulations requires all organizations to have access to data on demand, wherever it lives on a network. With the unfathomable amount of data managed by most organizations operating in the finance space today, it can become a significant challenge to locate specific data across legacy systems and networks with countless connections online and off.

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The Top 8 Concerns for CISO’s in 2020

Although a relatively new corporate position, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are becoming an integral part of the corporate hierarchy as enterprises begin to take security concerns more seriously. It’s a smart move considering that in 2019 security breaches cost companies on average $3.92 million. Now in 2020, CISOs are facing accelerating old threats along with some brand new ones. Here are the top eight CISO concerns of 2020:

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A Well-Equipped Security Team Could Save You Millions of Dollars a Year

Data breaches are expensive. By now, most organizations are well aware of this fact. When it comes to resource planning, however, SecOps teams need concrete data to ensure adequate funding is available to handle a breach.

A Well-Equipped Security Team Could Save You Millions of Dollars a Year Read More →

3 Cyberthreats Facing Federal and State Governments in 2020

Bad actors do not discriminate. Organizations across all sectors are at risk — corporations, non-profits, and increasingly, federal and state government entities. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that security incidents increased by 1,300 percent from 2006 to 2015. This number is growing.

3 Cyberthreats Facing Federal and State Governments in 2020 Read More →

Staying CCPA Compliant with MixMode’s Unsupervised AI

Companies are expected to spend up to $55 billion dollars on efforts to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which is still working out its final rules after going into effect this month.

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The Evolution of “Next-Generation” Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security

The new MixMode & RAVENii whitepaper, “The Evolution of ‘Next-Generation’ Manufacturing and the Need for Network Security,” is a comprehensive look at how third-wave AI is improving modern network security across connected manufacturing networks and beyond.

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