Whitepapers and Report

Whitepaper: The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a battlefield where innovation is paramount. Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a potential game-changer, promising to revolutionize threat detection and response. Vendors have made bold claims, promising their AI-powered solutions will provide unparalleled capabilities, eliminate false positives, and autonomously defend against even the most sophisticated attacks.

Whitepaper: The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity Read More →

Unveiling the Power: A Strategic Look at the Benefits of Using AI in Cybersecurity

If you’ve followed this blog series, you already know that Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous term, holding immense promise across various industries. Cybersecurity is no exception, with AI poised to revolutionize how organizations defend their data and systems against malicious activity. However, a crucial question remains: Are cybersecurity teams effectively harnessing AI’s potential for maximum security impact?

Unveiling the Power: A Strategic Look at the Benefits of Using AI in Cybersecurity Read More →

The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity

The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Whitepaper: The False Promises of AI in CybersecurityArtificial intelligence (AI) has been hailed as a revolutionary force in cybersecurity, with vendors claiming it can drastically improve threat detection and autonomously counter sophisticated attacks. Yet, the reality often falls short of these ambitious promises.

The False Promises of AI in Cybersecurity Read More →

Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape: Addressing 2024 CISO and Security Team Goals with MixMode

As technology advances and attackers develop ever-more sophisticated tactics, CISOs and security teams face a constant battle of trying to stay ahead of the curve. This year, several key themes are expected to dominate the cybersecurity landscape, shaping the priorities of CISOs and their teams.

Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape: Addressing 2024 CISO and Security Team Goals with MixMode Read More →

AI: Friend or Foe? Unveiling the Current Landscape with MixMode’s State of AI in Cybersecurity Report

If you’ve been following along in this series, you already know that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool for organizations to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses. But how is AI being used in cybersecurity today, and what are its key benefits?

AI: Friend or Foe? Unveiling the Current Landscape with MixMode’s State of AI in Cybersecurity Report Read More →

Limitations of Legacy Cybersecurity Solutions Against AI-generated Attacks

The emergence of AI-generated attacks represents a paradigm shift in the cyber threat landscape, posing unprecedented challenges to traditional security solutions. Legacy solutions struggle to contend with intelligent attack automation techniques employed by threat actors, and the overwhelming flood of new malware samples and indicators makes it harder to defend against these attacks.

Limitations of Legacy Cybersecurity Solutions Against AI-generated Attacks Read More →


The history of cybersecurity is a tale of constant evolution, marked by the rise and fall of various defense mechanisms in the face of ever-changing threats. Security tools such as antivirus software and firewalls have long been the stalwarts of cyber defense, forming the bedrock of protection for organizations worldwide. While effective in their time,


Overcoming The Limits of Legacy Detection Tools in Today’s Threat Landscape with Advanced AI

Overcoming The Limits of Legacy Detection Tools in Today’s Threat Landscape with Advanced AI Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Whitepaper: Overcoming The Limits of Legacy Detection Tools in Today’s Threat Landscape with Advanced AICybersecurity’s history is marked by a constant evolution, adapting to the rise and fall of various defense mechanisms in response to ever-changing

Overcoming The Limits of Legacy Detection Tools in Today’s Threat Landscape with Advanced AI Read More →

Whitepaper: Fighting Fire with Fire – AI and the Battle Against Ransomware

Fighting Fire with Fire – AI and the Battle Against Ransomware Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Whitepaper: Fighting Fire with Fire – AI and the Battle Against RansomwareRansomware has emerged as one of the most prevalent and damaging cyber threats in recent years, posing significant risks to individuals, businesses, and organizations worldwide. Our whitepaper, titled

Whitepaper: Fighting Fire with Fire – AI and the Battle Against Ransomware Read More →

The True Cost of Delivering Real-Time Threat Detection at Scale

Whitepaper: The True Cost of Delivering Real-Time Threat Detection at Scale

The True Cost of Delivering Real-Time Threat Detection at Scale Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ The True Cost of Delivering Real-Time Threat Detection at ScaleWith cyberattacks growing in frequency, speed, and complexity, real-time threat detection has become essential for security teams to keep pace. But achieving comprehensive visibility and rapid detection across massive hybrid environments

Whitepaper: The True Cost of Delivering Real-Time Threat Detection at Scale Read More →

Buyers Guide for Ai Threat Detection and Response

Buyers Guide for Ai Threat Detection and Response Download Schedule a Demo 🖥️ What to Look for When Choosing an AI Platform for Threat Detection and ResponseCybersecurity has significantly transformed by integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. AI has revolutionized threat detection by enabling organizations to analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and detect anomalies

Buyers Guide for Ai Threat Detection and Response Read More →

MixMode Releases State of Cloud Security 2023 Survey and Cloud Detection and Response for AWS

MixMode, the leader in delivering generative AI cybersecurity solutions for real-time threat detection and response at scale, today released its annual State of Cloud Security report along with the availability of MixMode Cloud Detection and Response (CDR) for AWS in the AWS Marketplace. The report provides sobering statistics on the gaps enterprises face in securing multi-cloud and hybrid environments.

MixMode Releases State of Cloud Security 2023 Survey and Cloud Detection and Response for AWS Read More →

State of Cloud Security Report

MixMode Report: The State of Cloud Security Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ The State of Cloud Security Report Download the ReportComplete this form to download The State of Cloud Security Report Introduction The rapid adoption of cloud computing opens up new opportunities while simultaneously intensifying security challenges for organizations. Faced with a quickly changing threat

State of Cloud Security Report Read More →

 Whitepaper: Is “One-Click-Remediation” Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams?

Is “One-Click-Remediation” Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams? Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ Is “One-Click-Remediation” Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams?Advanced Cyber Threat Detection platforms providing automated novel attack protection are thriving, while legacy, data dependent cyber tools continue to struggle. To counteract the ever-increasing lack of customer confidence, legacy tool vendors are making increasingly bold and inaccurate claims

 Whitepaper: Is “One-Click-Remediation” Intentionally Misleading SOC Teams? Read More →

Whitepaper: MixMode’s Artificial Intelligence: Dynamic Learning in Network Security

Whitepaper: MixMode’s Artificial Intelligence: Dynamic Learning in Network Security Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ MixMode’s Artificial Intelligence: Dynamic Learning in Network SecurityLearn how MixMode’s best-in-class AI is leading the industry in threat detection and response   By: Dr. Igor MezicChief Scientist and CTO for MixMode Download the WhitepaperComplete this form to download the Whitepaper Ready

Whitepaper: MixMode’s Artificial Intelligence: Dynamic Learning in Network Security Read More →

Whitepaper: The Next Generation SOC Tool Stack: The Convergence of SIEM, NDR, and NTA

Whitepaper: The Next Generation SOC Tool Stack – The Convergence of SIEM, NDR and NTA Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ The Next Generation SOC Tool Stack – The Convergence of SIEM, NDR and NTACurrently enterprise cybersecurity spend is higher than ever, but despite multi-million dollar cybersecurity investments into legacy systems like SIEM (Security Information and

Whitepaper: The Next Generation SOC Tool Stack: The Convergence of SIEM, NDR, and NTA Read More →

MixMode Whitepaper: Authentication Does Not equal zero trust

MixMode Whitepaper: Authentication Does Not Equal Zero Trust A quick glance at current Cybersecurity vendor offerings will reveal an emerging marketing buzzword: Zero Trust. But it’s important to not dive into a Zero Trust investment until you’re well armed with the fundamentals. What is Zero Trust? Why do you need it? How do you know

MixMode Whitepaper: Authentication Does Not equal zero trust Read More →


MixMode Whitepaper Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks Can your cybersecurity solution really combat zero-day attacks? The answer is most likely “no,” despite vendor claims. Buyer beware, indeed. Vendors in today’s marketplace tend to over promise on fundamental cybersecurity features when in fact, most lack the AI capabilities to


Whitepaper: SOAR: The Acknowledgement that all of your cybersecurity platforms have failed

SOAR: The Acknowledgement that all of your cybersecurity platforms have failed Download Schedule a Demo  🖥️ SOAR: The Acknowledgement that all of your cybersecurity platforms have failedThe cybersecurity marketplace has adapted and yet marginally evolved to meet the changing needs of security operation centers (SOCs) over the past few decades. It seems as though every

Whitepaper: SOAR: The Acknowledgement that all of your cybersecurity platforms have failed Read More →