Navigating the Evolving Threat Landscape: Addressing 2024 CISO and Security Team Goals with MixMode

As technology advances and attackers develop ever-more sophisticated tactics, CISOs and security teams face a constant battle of trying to stay ahead of the curve. This year, several key themes are expected to dominate the cybersecurity landscape, shaping the priorities of CISOs and their teams.

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CISOs: Are You Applying NIST / CISA Standards to ALL Data Including the Cloud?

Security leaders want to solve problems identifying and understanding anomalies or account access behaviors by correlating anomalous behaviors of specific accounts with other parameters like geography or ingress and egress points, but few rules-based Cybersecurity tools have the ability to do that without a great deal of manual data massaging and manipulating.

CISOs: Are You Applying NIST / CISA Standards to ALL Data Including the Cloud? Read More →

Evolving Role of the CISO: From IT Security to Business Resilience

With more and more large organizations relying on technology to conduct business, the need for a skilled CISO has become increasingly important. No longer just overseeing IT security efforts, the CISO is now responsible for a wide range of cyber defenses from data protection to compliance and even physical security.

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Balancing Security Spend and Business Priorities

A more holistic approach that encompasses oversight of critical apps, data, and processes related to business function could reduce risk while saving money, according to a recent CIO article. In other words, shifting from a risk assessment approach that primarily focuses on IT systems to a more business-oriented approach can help companies uncover cost savings while improving their overall security posture.

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Case Study: How a Major U.S. City Rapidly Modernized Its Cybersecurity Defenses

In our newest case study, “How a Major U.S. City Rapidly Modernized Its Cybersecurity Defenses,” we share how the City cut its cyber tool footprint in half, gained visibility into advanced foreign adversary attacks, and greatly improved the productivity of its SOC staff.

Case Study: How a Major U.S. City Rapidly Modernized Its Cybersecurity Defenses Read More →

Video: Why a U.S. City Chose MixMode and Decommissioned their UBA Platform

MixMode’s Head of Sales and Alliances, Geoff Coulehan, shares how MixMode was able to identify critical risk factors coming from inside bad actors that had gone undetected by a large U.S. city’s SIEM and UBA platforms despite their multi-year deployments and their decision to decommission their User Behavior Analytics (UBA) platform. 

Video: Why a U.S. City Chose MixMode and Decommissioned their UBA Platform Read More →

New Video: MixMode Cyber Anomaly Detection Platform

We recently released a new video to better explain how MixMode’s next-generation cybersecurity anomaly detection platform combines the functionality of SIEM, NDR, NTA and UEBA for advanced threat detection, zero day attack identification, false positive alert reduction, forensic investigation and more.

New Video: MixMode Cyber Anomaly Detection Platform Read More →

The Top 5 Considerations That Should Guide Your SOC Strategy in 2021 and Beyond

It’s evident that while organizations are spending more and more on legacy cybersecurity solutions, these platforms are not holding up their end of the deal and are not able to proactively defend in a modern, non-signature attack threatscape.

The Top 5 Considerations That Should Guide Your SOC Strategy in 2021 and Beyond Read More →

Webinar: Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks

In our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, May 18th, “Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks,” CEO of RAVENii, Jeff Shipley joins MixMode Head of Sales and Alliances Geoff Coulehan to uncover why the cybersecurity industry is failing to deliver on its promises.

Webinar: Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks Read More →

Incremental Stacking of Correlative Analysis Platforms Will Ultimately Prove Ineffective and Costly

On the surface, an “incremental stacking” approach to correlative analysis platforms like SIEM, XDR and UEBA is logical. Organizations can overcome some of the inherent limitations present in their security solutions by adding a network traffic analysis (NTA), for example. Industry analysts have been touting this approach for some time now as necessary for full coverage enterprise security.

Incremental Stacking of Correlative Analysis Platforms Will Ultimately Prove Ineffective and Costly Read More →

Magnify Podcast: Discussing the New Normal with AI Based Cybersecurity Specialists, MixMode

Geoff Coulehan, MixMode’s Head of Strategic Alliances, joined Secrutiny’s “Magnify Podcast,” to discuss the priorities CISOs should focus on to better protect their now-remote team of employees.

Magnify Podcast: Discussing the New Normal with AI Based Cybersecurity Specialists, MixMode Read More →

The Big Switch: A Lack of Employable Security Professionals Causes Companies to Make the Switch to AI

For the past few years, a major problem has been mounting in the cybersecurity industry: a people shortage. Even before the outbreak of the current global pandemic, enterprises were hurting in the cybersecurity hiring department.  Companies are struggling to find employable cybersecurity professionals to handle an ever increasing and evolving number of new threats from

The Big Switch: A Lack of Employable Security Professionals Causes Companies to Make the Switch to AI Read More →

The Top 8 Concerns for CISO’s in 2020

Although a relatively new corporate position, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are becoming an integral part of the corporate hierarchy as enterprises begin to take security concerns more seriously. It’s a smart move considering that in 2019 security breaches cost companies on average $3.92 million. Now in 2020, CISOs are facing accelerating old threats along with some brand new ones. Here are the top eight CISO concerns of 2020:

The Top 8 Concerns for CISO’s in 2020 Read More →