
Protecting Your Enterprise from Ransomware with MixMode

Monthly reports that lack relevant details about an organization’s true risk level are insufficient and not representative of the further steps an organization should take to protect itself. This approach leaves organizations feeling secure against the threat of ransomware while they are actually left exposed to potentially expensive, wide-scale damage.

Protecting Your Enterprise from Ransomware with MixMode Read More →

What is Killware: How to Protect Yourself from these Next-Generation Cyberattacks

Not long ago, the concept of killware was the stuff of futuristic, doomsday movie fare. The idea that hackers could breach systems related to basic public infrastructure and health services to put people’s very lives at risk seemed scary, but far-fetched. Unfortunately, that dystopian future has, at least to some degree, arrived.

What is Killware: How to Protect Yourself from these Next-Generation Cyberattacks Read More →

10 Eye-Opening Data Breach Statistics (and How You Can Better Protect Your Network)

While we’re seeing more data breaches than in years past, being proactive can make an enormous difference. Head-in-sand is not the optimal position for any modern organization with a network-based infrastructure. Education about the nature of modern data breaches is a great place to start.

10 Eye-Opening Data Breach Statistics (and How You Can Better Protect Your Network) Read More →

Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks

In our newest whitepaper, “Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks,” we dive into how traditional cybersecurity tools work, why this fundamentally limits them from being able to detect zero-day or previously unknown attacks, why the industry standard for breach detection is around six to eight months and how modern, contextually-aware AI overcomes the limitations of traditional cybersecurity solutions.

Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks Read More →

Techiexpert: How Predictive AI Protects Against Ransomware, GANs and More

MixMode CTO and Chief Scientist, Igor Mezic, recently contributed an article for Techiexpert that examines three modern AI adversarial attacks, the financial toll they are having on some of our most important systems (including healthcare), and how predictive, third-wave AI is the only future-proof cybersecurity solution to protect organizations from these intelligent attacks.

Techiexpert: How Predictive AI Protects Against Ransomware, GANs and More Read More →

Recent Ransomware Attacks on U.S. Hospitals Highlight the Inefficiency of Rules-Based Cybersecurity Solutions

A number of recent high profile ransomware attacks on U.S. hospitals have demonstrated the urgency for organizations, municipalities, and critical services to take a proactive approach to protecting networks with a predictive AI solution.

Recent Ransomware Attacks on U.S. Hospitals Highlight the Inefficiency of Rules-Based Cybersecurity Solutions Read More →

Baltimore City Government Ransomware Attack: Municipalities Must Move Beyond Protection at the Perimeter

Last week The Baltimore Sun reported that Baltimore City Government computers were infected for a second time in just over a year with a certain type of ransomware, RobbinHood, in which hackers lock up files using encryption so users can’t access them. The bad actors then demand payment to provide the cyber keys to unlock the files,

Baltimore City Government Ransomware Attack: Municipalities Must Move Beyond Protection at the Perimeter Read More →