
Advanced Behavioral Detection Analytics: Enhancing Threat Detection with AI

Gartner just released its Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Security, which looked at technologies that could help organizations effectively detect and respond to attacks and create better efficiencies through AI-based security hyper-automation.

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Protecting Your Assets: Why Financial Services Firms Need Advanced Threat Detection

The financial services industry handles vast amounts of highly sensitive financial information, including customer data, transaction records, and intellectual property, making them a prime target for cyber attacks.

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Verizon’s Annual Data Breach Incident Report (DBIR) Shines Spotlight on Ransomware Trends & Insider Threats

New research from Verizon reveals that ransomware is responsible for a sizable percentage of all recorded security incidents. Despite the alarming statistics raised in the report, the tech giant warns, we’re likely to see continued growth in the number of ransomware attacks against organizations.

Verizon’s Annual Data Breach Incident Report (DBIR) Shines Spotlight on Ransomware Trends & Insider Threats Read More →

Persistent Ransomware Attacks on Cities Underscores Need to Upgrade to Real-Time Threat Visibility

Municipalities, in particular, are increasingly being targeted by ransomware attackers. A recent report showed that ransomware attacks on local governments increased by 70% for 34-58% of those surveyed, and that those attacks were more expensive than ever, with five- and six-digit ransom demands becoming the norm.

Persistent Ransomware Attacks on Cities Underscores Need to Upgrade to Real-Time Threat Visibility Read More →

Latest Mass Ransomware Attack May Mark New, Slow-Rolling Approach By Threat Actors

A new mass ransomware attack is making headlines. As the Washington Post reports in a recent article, “The latest mass ransomware attack has been unfolding for nearly two months,” major U.S. corporations have fallen victim to an attack that may have origins dating back to late January.

Latest Mass Ransomware Attack May Mark New, Slow-Rolling Approach By Threat Actors Read More →

Ransomware and Supply Chain Attacks: How to Protect Your Business From the Rising Threat of Third-Party Attacks

Stay protected from the rising threat of supply chain cyber attacks and ransomware attacks. Learn how to identify and assess the risks associated with third-party vendors and suppliers, and discover practical steps for implementing security controls, incident response plans, and employee education to protect your business.

Ransomware and Supply Chain Attacks: How to Protect Your Business From the Rising Threat of Third-Party Attacks Read More →

New Video: Broken Promises and Bright Future – Preparing for the Next Wave of AI in Cybersecurity

MixMode’s Chief Strategy Officer, Matt Shea was invited to provide the opening keynote address, setting the stage for discussions on how businesses and municipalities can better protect their networks and environments from cyber attacks.

New Video: Broken Promises and Bright Future – Preparing for the Next Wave of AI in Cybersecurity Read More →

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Ransomware Protection: How enterprises Can Leverage the Latest Technologies to Protect Themselves

Discover the role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in protecting against ransomware attacks. Learn how these technologies can be used to detect and prevent attacks, and how they can be leveraged by enterprises to improve their cybersecurity posture. Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in AI and ML to protect your organization from malware and ransomware.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Ransomware Protection: How enterprises Can Leverage the Latest Technologies to Protect Themselves Read More →

How Vulnerable Is Your Organization to the Growing Ransomware Threat? It May Be Time to Modernize Your Cybersecurity Approach.

Well over half of global organizations — 66% — were hit with ransomware attacks in 2021, according to a new independent study. In a sign that we may be seeing a ramp up to even more widespread damage from these sneak attacks, it’s a 78% increase over the prior year.

How Vulnerable Is Your Organization to the Growing Ransomware Threat? It May Be Time to Modernize Your Cybersecurity Approach. Read More →

Protecting Your Enterprise from Ransomware with MixMode

Monthly reports that lack relevant details about an organization’s true risk level are insufficient and not representative of the further steps an organization should take to protect itself. This approach leaves organizations feeling secure against the threat of ransomware while they are actually left exposed to potentially expensive, wide-scale damage.

Protecting Your Enterprise from Ransomware with MixMode Read More →

The History and Current State of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware uses a variety of attack techniques, including phishing where it can be very difficult for a human to discern whether an email is safe or not. These attacks usually impact the operations of a company immediately, and the recent rise in Ransomware attacks coincides closely with the rise of cryptocurrency as hackers are able to demand payment in untraceable forms like Bitcoin.

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