Predictive AI

Navigating the Uncertain Path: Why AI Adoption in Cybersecurity Remains Hesitant, and How to Move Forward

Despite AI’s potential to help defend against cyber attacks, AI adoption in cybersecurity practices remains in its early stages. Why is this the case, and how can organizations overcome these hurdles to pave the way for a secure future?

Navigating the Uncertain Path: Why AI Adoption in Cybersecurity Remains Hesitant, and How to Move Forward Read More →

Can You Predict a Cyber Attack Before It Happens?

When hackers breach a network, focus naturally, and wisely, turns to the first point of intrusion. But a wider view, one that includes an understanding of what happened after the breach can empower your organization to predict — and most important, prevent — the next attack. MixMode is helping organizations across the country do just that, every day.

Can You Predict a Cyber Attack Before It Happens? Read More →

How Self-Supervised AI Tackles Ambiguity in Network Security

Cybersecurity vendors promise the moon when it comes to AI. As the recent TechRepublic article, “Why cybersecurity tools fail when it comes to ambiguity,” makes clear, often, these promises fail short in real world network environments.

How Self-Supervised AI Tackles Ambiguity in Network Security Read More →

2021: The Year SOCs Embrace Cybersecurity Convergence

Staying on top of cybersecurity risk can feel like a losing battle in today’s modern, hyperconnected reality. The influx of IoT devices and increased reliance of BYOD devices has created a diverse, complex threatscape rife with overlapping vulnerabilities across physical and cyber assets.

2021: The Year SOCs Embrace Cybersecurity Convergence Read More →

Building a Better SOC Based on What We Learned in 2020

Every network vulnerability opened new opportunities for hackers to infiltrate systems, steal data and wreak havoc. Several notable security incidents have left governments, private organizations, medical systems and large enterprise networks reeling. Many of these entities have discovered that their security plans are simply not up to the task of mitigating modern cybersecurity threats.

Building a Better SOC Based on What We Learned in 2020 Read More →

Our Top 2020 Cybersecurity Insights

The transition from office to remote environments was abrupt and one of the most defining moments that the cybersecurity industry and professionals faced in 2020. We wrote about the top issues CISOs were facing throughout the year but also doubled down on sharing insights about the evolution of next-generation SOCs, the failure of SIEM platforms as organizations are experiencing them today, and how self-supervised AI fits into the equation.

Our Top 2020 Cybersecurity Insights Read More →

Russian Hack of U.S. Federal Agencies Shine Spotlight on SIEM Failures in Cybersecurity

In what the New York Times is calling, “One of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years,” malicious adversaries acting on behalf of a foreign government, likely Russian, broke into the email systems of multiple U.S. Federal agencies including the Treasury and Commerce Departments.

Russian Hack of U.S. Federal Agencies Shine Spotlight on SIEM Failures in Cybersecurity Read More →

Techiexpert: How Predictive AI Protects Against Ransomware, GANs and More

MixMode CTO and Chief Scientist, Igor Mezic, recently contributed an article for Techiexpert that examines three modern AI adversarial attacks, the financial toll they are having on some of our most important systems (including healthcare), and how predictive, third-wave AI is the only future-proof cybersecurity solution to protect organizations from these intelligent attacks.

Techiexpert: How Predictive AI Protects Against Ransomware, GANs and More Read More →

Recent Ransomware Attacks on U.S. Hospitals Highlight the Inefficiency of Rules-Based Cybersecurity Solutions

A number of recent high profile ransomware attacks on U.S. hospitals have demonstrated the urgency for organizations, municipalities, and critical services to take a proactive approach to protecting networks with a predictive AI solution.

Recent Ransomware Attacks on U.S. Hospitals Highlight the Inefficiency of Rules-Based Cybersecurity Solutions Read More →

Stop Patching Leaks in Your Cybersecurity Boat: A Streamlined Cybersecurity AI Solution to Adversarial Attacks

At MixMode our one algorithm is capable of catching any anomaly that may appear on the network. In contrast, other security programs rely on a reactive method of patching and constantly adding to their algorithms each time a hack occurs so that the network learns what to look out for.

Stop Patching Leaks in Your Cybersecurity Boat: A Streamlined Cybersecurity AI Solution to Adversarial Attacks Read More →

The Case Against Using a Frankenstein Cybersecurity Platform

The cybersecurity market has, simply put, been cobbled together. A tangled web of non-integrated systems and alerts from siloed systems. Enterprises are now being forced to utilize a “Frankenstein” of stitched together tools to create a platform that might cover their security bases.

The Case Against Using a Frankenstein Cybersecurity Platform Read More →

Improving on the Typical SIEM Model

Despite its inherent flaws, today’s SIEM software solutions still shine when it comes to searching and investigating log data. One effective, comprehensive approach to network security pairs the best parts of SIEM with modern, AI-driven predictive analysis tools. Alternatively, organizations can replace their outdated SIEM with a modern single platform self-learning AI solution.

Improving on the Typical SIEM Model Read More →

What is Predictive AI and How is it Being Used in Cybersecurity?

The predictive AI field of machine learning collects, analyzes, and tests data to predict future possibilities. AI’s neurological network is patterned on the human brain. But AI works on a scale that goes far beyond what is humanly possible. The top uses for predictive AI technologies to protect sensitive data and systems are in network detection and response (NDR), threat detection, and cybercrime prevention.

What is Predictive AI and How is it Being Used in Cybersecurity? Read More →

The (Recent) History of Self-Supervised Learning

Real unsupervised AI spots security issues sooner and predicts future behavior more accurately than older first- and second-wave solutions. Self-supervised AI technology draws on an understanding of the fundamental nature of the network where it lives, an understanding that isn’t possible with supervised-AI.

The (Recent) History of Self-Supervised Learning Read More →

One Thing All Cybersecurity teams Should Have During COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused most corporate businesses that remain open to shift to a work from home, remote workplace. Because of this, the cybersecurity industry has been turned on its head. Security teams went from monitoring and protecting established network environments to quickly pivoting their tools, resources, and oversight to manage a distributed workforce. This has

One Thing All Cybersecurity teams Should Have During COVID-19 Read More →

The Cybersecurity Processes Most Vulnerable to Human Error

The world’s reliance on fast, reliable, secure networks has likely never been as apparent as it became in early 2020, when the world responded to the Coronavirus pandemic. Suddenly, vast swaths of the global workforce needed to access and send enormous stores of data from home. In some ways, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

The Cybersecurity Processes Most Vulnerable to Human Error Read More →