Log Data

Aligning an Organization’s Attack Surface to Detection Surface is Key to Adversary Defense in Today’s Cloud Era

With the Cloud Era, the IT asset estate has expanded, and there is a diverse set of attack surfaces to defend. The term “attack surface” describes the growing IT asset estate, but there is no parallel term to describe where we can detect or respond to attacker activity.

Aligning an Organization’s Attack Surface to Detection Surface is Key to Adversary Defense in Today’s Cloud Era Read More →

Dependence on Log Data | Twenty-first Century Networks Require Twenty-first Century Security Solutions

When Cybersecurity teams assume that log-based platforms are the best available network security solutions, they have made a decision to invest in “bad gas.” These products will cost more and deliver less than systems enhanced by context-aware AI.

Dependence on Log Data | Twenty-first Century Networks Require Twenty-first Century Security Solutions Read More →

Dependence on Log Data | An Increasing Vulnerability to Threat Actors

How sure are you that log files represent the best source of information to base your entire Cybersecurity program upon? Log data is the cornerstone of every traditional cybersecurity platform including SIEM (Security Information and Event Management), UEBA (User and Entity Behavior Analytics), and xDR (Detection and Response).

Dependence on Log Data | An Increasing Vulnerability to Threat Actors Read More →

Webinar Recap: Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks

In partnership with Ravenii, our 60-minute talk was hosted by MixMode’s Head of Sales and Alliances, Geoff Coulehan, CEO of Ravenii, Jeff Shipley, and MixMode’s CTO & Chief Scientist, Igor Mezic. They discussed key topics including:

Webinar Recap: Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks Read More →

Cybersecurity Spend for Data Retention and Analysis is Out of Control and Largely Unnecessary

Managing a relatively small, stable data store is one thing, but dynamic companies face immense challenges when those circumstances change. Data growth can become unwieldy to safeguard when it has to be carefully prepared through a series of time-consuming, manual processes before the security software can evaluate it.

Cybersecurity Spend for Data Retention and Analysis is Out of Control and Largely Unnecessary Read More →

The Aggregation Model is Falling Short

The following is an excerpt from our recent whitepaper, “Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks,” in which we dive into how traditional cybersecurity tools work, why this fundamentally limits them from being able to detect zero-day or previously unknown attacks, why the industry standard for breach detection is around

The Aggregation Model is Falling Short Read More →

Maximize ROI with Greater Efficacy Using Unsupervised AI

Within the first 24 hours after deployment, MixMode had enabled the government entity to regain control over the security environment and network data infrastructure. No longer limited to log data analysis, they were able to identify and address real-time threats as well as network and operational configuration challenges.

Maximize ROI with Greater Efficacy Using Unsupervised AI Read More →

How Self-Supervised AI Tackles Ambiguity in Network Security

Cybersecurity vendors promise the moon when it comes to AI. As the recent TechRepublic article, “Why cybersecurity tools fail when it comes to ambiguity,” makes clear, often, these promises fail short in real world network environments.

How Self-Supervised AI Tackles Ambiguity in Network Security Read More →