AI Cybersecurity

IDC Report: MixMode – An Unsupervised AI-Driven Network Traffic Analysis Platform

IDC, the premier global market intelligence firm, recently released a vendor report on MixMode’s Next-Generation AI Powered network traffic analysis platform. Ritu Jyoti, Industry AI and Automation Analyst wrote the profile. In it, she  examines how MixMode’s AI-enabled, multistream security platform empowers security teams to solve the information overload problem by combining and correlating data […]

IDC Report: MixMode – An Unsupervised AI-Driven Network Traffic Analysis Platform Read More →

Our Top 5 Cybersecurity Insights from 2019

This year on the MixMode blog, we have covered headline stories, analyzed every pain point within network security, and shared what we believe to be some of the most innovative solutions to help you analyze network traffic, surface threats and anomalies, and stop attacks using autonomous AI.

Our Top 5 Cybersecurity Insights from 2019 Read More →

Don’t Fall for the Hype – Marketing Myths in Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity

The cybersecurity provider landscape is cluttered with impossible claims, misrepresentations, and a confusing mix of inconsistent terminology. Worse, every minute you delay making a decision is another minute hackers have to gain access and knowledge about your network.

Don’t Fall for the Hype – Marketing Myths in Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity Read More →

Case Study: MixMode AI Detects Attack not Found on Threat Intel

In October, 2019 a MixMode customer experienced an incident where an external entity attacked a web server located in their DMZ, compromised it, and then pivoted internally through the DMZ to attempt access of a customer database. While the attacker was successful in penetrating the customer’s network, MixMode was able to detect the event before they were successful in penetrating the customer database.

Case Study: MixMode AI Detects Attack not Found on Threat Intel Read More →

The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Network Security

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are often used interchangeably when discussing developments in deep learning. However, there is an important difference between the two that network security professionals will need to understand in order to serve their clientele effectively.

The Difference Between Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Network Security Read More →

Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence: This Week in AI

What’s the difference between ML and AI in Cybersecurity? Many don’t understand how AI works in terms of cybersecurity, despite most agreeing that it is necessary to implement it going forward. According to a recent survey by Webroot, nearly 75 percent of IT professionals stated they intend to incorporate more artificial intelligence (AI) solutions into their cybersecurity

Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence: This Week in AI Read More →

Do we need AI in CYbersecurity? This Week in AI

Artificial Intelligence is Fundamental to the Future of Cybersecurity According to a 2019 SME Cyber Security Report by Senseon, eighty-one percent of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) think Artificial Intelligence (AI) is crucial to the state and future of cybersecurity. Key findings in the report include: 88% of SMEs have a dedicated security budget 53% think an

Do we need AI in CYbersecurity? This Week in AI Read More →