False Positive Alerts

The Alert Avalanche: Why Prioritizing Security Alerts is a Matter of Survival

One constant remains in the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape: the barrage of security alerts. From firewalls to EDRs, security products diligently scan networks and systems, bombarding security teams with constant notifications of potential attacks. But what happens when the sheer volume of alerts becomes overwhelming? Enter the silent enemy—alert fatigue.

The Alert Avalanche: Why Prioritizing Security Alerts is a Matter of Survival Read More →

eBook: The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective At Detecting Advanced Attacks

Relying solely on legacy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology is no longer sufficient to protect enterprise organizations from the rising amount of modern, ai-developed, sophisticated cyberattacks. In our newest eBook, we examine the limitations of SIEMs and emphasize the need for an AI-driven dynamic threat detection and response platform.

eBook: The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective At Detecting Advanced Attacks Read More →

Financial Services IT Teams Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in financial and banking settings face a constant struggle — protecting industry regulated data with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

Financial Services IT Teams Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives Read More →

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in municipal settings face a constant struggle — protecting vital public network infrastructure with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives Read More →

Can Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Solution Solve These Two Challenges? You May Be More Vulnerable Than You Realize

Of all the challenges facing the modern SOC, two stand out among the most persistent and difficult to overcome: an overwhelming volume of false positive alerts and an alarming escalation in zero-day and novel threats that are often imperceptible by legacy systems.

Can Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Solution Solve These Two Challenges? You May Be More Vulnerable Than You Realize Read More →

Better Anomaly Detection Is Key to Solving the False Positive Problem Once and for All

Keeping up with security alerts can be a Herculean task without the right tools on board. Security teams face more than 11,000 alerts per day on average, according to industry analysts — including thousands of false positives triggered by legacy security solutions.

Better Anomaly Detection Is Key to Solving the False Positive Problem Once and for All Read More →

What is Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity?

Anomaly detection, the “identification of rare occurrences, items, or events of concern due to their differing characteristics from the majority of the processed data,” allows organizations to track “security errors, structural defects and even bank fraud,” according to DeepAI and described in three main forms of anomaly detection as: unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised. Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts use each of these approaches to varying degrees of effectiveness in Cybersecurity applications.

What is Anomaly Detection in Cybersecurity? Read More →

A Modern SOC Should Not Be Entirely Dependent On Human Operators and Their Personal Experience

A modern SOC should not be entirely dependent on human operators and their personal experience. The issue has been a foundational problem with not only the methodologies used by SOCs for the past 15 to 20 years, but it should be questioned whether the problem is actually compounded by the technology itself.

A Modern SOC Should Not Be Entirely Dependent On Human Operators and Their Personal Experience Read More →

Whitepaper: The Failed Promises of SIEM

The fundamental SIEM flaws lie in the platform’s need for continual adjustment, endless data stores, and a tendency to create an overwhelming number of false positives. When organizations instead turn to a next-generation cybersecurity solution, which predicts behavior with an unsupervised (zero tuning) system, they are poised to save on both financial and human resources.

Whitepaper: The Failed Promises of SIEM Read More →

3 Reasons Why a Rule-Based Cybersecurity Platform Will Always Fail

When it comes to advancements in cybersecurity, rule-based systems are holding the industry back. Relying on humans to constantly input and label rules in order to detect and stay ahead of threats is a bottleneck process that is setting security teams up for failure, especially with tools like SIEM, NDR, and NTA.

3 Reasons Why a Rule-Based Cybersecurity Platform Will Always Fail Read More →

Magnify Podcast: Discussing the New Normal with AI Based Cybersecurity Specialists, MixMode

Geoff Coulehan, MixMode’s Head of Strategic Alliances, joined Secrutiny’s “Magnify Podcast,” to discuss the priorities CISOs should focus on to better protect their now-remote team of employees.

Magnify Podcast: Discussing the New Normal with AI Based Cybersecurity Specialists, MixMode Read More →

Why The Future of Cybersecurity Needs Both Humans and AI Working Together

A recent WhiteHat Security survey revealed that more than 70 percent of respondents cited AI-based tools as contributing to more efficiency. More than 55 percent of mundane tasks have been replaced by AI, freeing up analysts for other departmental tasks.

Why The Future of Cybersecurity Needs Both Humans and AI Working Together Read More →

The Cybersecurity Processes Most Vulnerable to Human Error

The world’s reliance on fast, reliable, secure networks has likely never been as apparent as it became in early 2020, when the world responded to the Coronavirus pandemic. Suddenly, vast swaths of the global workforce needed to access and send enormous stores of data from home. In some ways, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

The Cybersecurity Processes Most Vulnerable to Human Error Read More →

Our Top 5 Cybersecurity Insights from 2019

This year on the MixMode blog, we have covered headline stories, analyzed every pain point within network security, and shared what we believe to be some of the most innovative solutions to help you analyze network traffic, surface threats and anomalies, and stop attacks using autonomous AI.

Our Top 5 Cybersecurity Insights from 2019 Read More →