False Positives in Network Security

Financial Services IT Teams Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in financial and banking settings face a constant struggle — protecting industry regulated data with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

Financial Services IT Teams Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives Read More →

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives

Cybersecurity teams working in municipal settings face a constant struggle — protecting vital public network infrastructure with limited resources. The situation can reach a breaking point when these teams become overwhelmed managing false positive and negative flags triggered by legacy cybersecurity solutions.

U.S. Cities Relying on Legacy Cybersecurity Plagued By False Positives and Negatives Read More →

Can Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Solution Solve These Two Challenges? You May Be More Vulnerable Than You Realize

Of all the challenges facing the modern SOC, two stand out among the most persistent and difficult to overcome: an overwhelming volume of false positive alerts and an alarming escalation in zero-day and novel threats that are often imperceptible by legacy systems.

Can Your Enterprise Cybersecurity Solution Solve These Two Challenges? You May Be More Vulnerable Than You Realize Read More →

Better Anomaly Detection Is Key to Solving the False Positive Problem Once and for All

Keeping up with security alerts can be a Herculean task without the right tools on board. Security teams face more than 11,000 alerts per day on average, according to industry analysts — including thousands of false positives triggered by legacy security solutions.

Better Anomaly Detection Is Key to Solving the False Positive Problem Once and for All Read More →

A Modern SOC Should Not Be Entirely Dependent On Human Operators and Their Personal Experience

A modern SOC should not be entirely dependent on human operators and their personal experience. The issue has been a foundational problem with not only the methodologies used by SOCs for the past 15 to 20 years, but it should be questioned whether the problem is actually compounded by the technology itself.

A Modern SOC Should Not Be Entirely Dependent On Human Operators and Their Personal Experience Read More →

Magnify Podcast: Discussing the New Normal with AI Based Cybersecurity Specialists, MixMode

Geoff Coulehan, MixMode’s Head of Strategic Alliances, joined Secrutiny’s “Magnify Podcast,” to discuss the priorities CISOs should focus on to better protect their now-remote team of employees.

Magnify Podcast: Discussing the New Normal with AI Based Cybersecurity Specialists, MixMode Read More →

What is Network Detection and Response (NDR)? A beginner’s Guide

Recently, network detection and response, or NDR, has been established as a key tool for companies seeking to improve their threat response. It’s a relatively new network security strategy which developed in response to perceived shortcomings in existing network security systems. We wanted to help explain what modern network detection and response is, how it

What is Network Detection and Response (NDR)? A beginner’s Guide Read More →

Silicon Valley Needs to Step up Their Security: This Week in AI

Silicon Valley Has Let Its Cybersecurity Guard Down According to an article by Brian O’Keefe for Fortune Magazine, Silicon Valley isn’t paying enough attention when it comes to threats posed by state-sponsored hackers. At least, that was the conclusion a group of cybersecurity experts came to in a discussion at the Fortune Brainstorm Tech conference in Aspen, Colo., on

Silicon Valley Needs to Step up Their Security: This Week in AI Read More →

SC Magazine: Beefing Up Your Next Generation Security Tool Set

Originally published on 5/20/19 on scmagazine.com, this article by Dr. Peter Stephenson is the first in a four-part series to help enterprise and security professionals discover the tools needed to deploy a next-generation enterprise security stack. As it features MixMode as the true AI system needed for your deception network, we wanted to share the article here on our

SC Magazine: Beefing Up Your Next Generation Security Tool Set Read More →

How AI is Solving the False Positives Problem in Network Security

How AI is Solving the False Positives Problem in Network Security By Ana Mezic, Marketing Coordinator at MixMode The term “False Positives” is trending in the cybersecurity industry right now. Rightfully so. Managing the impossible amount of alerts IT teams get from their cybersecurity software is an issue that demands a solution as hackers and gatekeepers play tug-of-war

How AI is Solving the False Positives Problem in Network Security Read More →

5 Reasons Why Context-aware Artificial Intelligence (Caai) Is Needed in Cybersecurity

5 reasons why Context-Aware Artificial Intelligence (CAAI) is needed in Cybersecurity CAAI delivers understanding of the network baseline and reducing false positives By Dr. Igor Mezic, CTO and Chief Scientist  Artificial Intelligence (AI) has surfaced as the technology of the day, in the same way internet, personal computers, airplanes and cars have in earlier eras. And, just like these others

5 Reasons Why Context-aware Artificial Intelligence (Caai) Is Needed in Cybersecurity Read More →