Christian Wiens

Christian Wiens is Director of Marketing at MixMode. He has 10+ years of experience as a cybersecurity professional. He has his BA from The University of California, Berkeley and resides in Austin, TX.

The Top 5 Considerations That Should Guide Your SOC Strategy in 2021 and Beyond

It’s evident that while organizations are spending more and more on legacy cybersecurity solutions, these platforms are not holding up their end of the deal and are not able to proactively defend in a modern, non-signature attack threatscape.

The Aggregation Model is Falling Short

The following is an excerpt from our recent whitepaper, “Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks,” in which we dive into how traditional cybersecurity tools work, why this fundamentally limits them from being able to detect zero-day or previously unknown attacks, why the industry standard for breach detection is around …

The Aggregation Model is Falling Short Read More →

Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks

In our newest whitepaper, “Why Traditional Cybersecurity Tools Cannot Defend Against Zero-Day and No Signature Attacks,” we dive into how traditional cybersecurity tools work, why this fundamentally limits them from being able to detect zero-day or previously unknown attacks, why the industry standard for breach detection is around six to eight months and how modern, contextually-aware AI overcomes the limitations of traditional cybersecurity solutions.

The SOC Reckoning

What are companies really gaining when they take on SOAR? At a high level, SOAR and legacy platforms are falling far short of their promises. SOCs are left with several pivotal questions.

Building a Better SOC Based on What We Learned in 2020

Every network vulnerability opened new opportunities for hackers to infiltrate systems, steal data and wreak havoc. Several notable security incidents have left governments, private organizations, medical systems and large enterprise networks reeling. Many of these entities have discovered that their security plans are simply not up to the task of mitigating modern cybersecurity threats.

CPO Magazine: Proactive vs Responsive AI: Which One Protects Against Major Modern Adversaries in Cybersecurity?

MixMode CTO and Chief Scientist, Igor Mezic, recently contributed an article for CPO Magazine that examines the evolution of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) within cybersecurity, the three waves of AI, and the modern-day application of predictive AI in cybersecurity to protect against adversaries who are also utilizing AI technology.

Our Top 2020 Cybersecurity Insights

The transition from office to remote environments was abrupt and one of the most defining moments that the cybersecurity industry and professionals faced in 2020. We wrote about the top issues CISOs were facing throughout the year but also doubled down on sharing insights about the evolution of next-generation SOCs, the failure of SIEM platforms as organizations are experiencing them today, and how self-supervised AI fits into the equation.

Russian Hack of U.S. Federal Agencies Shine Spotlight on SIEM Failures in Cybersecurity

In what the New York Times is calling, “One of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years,” malicious adversaries acting on behalf of a foreign government, likely Russian, broke into the email systems of multiple U.S. Federal agencies including the Treasury and Commerce Departments.

MixMode in the Real World: Customers Turn to MixMode Frustrated and in Search of a Viable SIEM Alternative

SIEM has failed to meet the needs of enterprises in the modern threatscape. One huge reason for this is that over time, most organizations will come to the sad realization that they will never achieve a full enterprise deployment of their SIEM. By its very nature, SIEM is always “in process.” It’s not unusual for an organization to have an SIEM in process for a full decade.