Threat Detection

MixMode: Revolutionizing Threat Detection and Prioritization in Cybersecurity

Enter MixMode. The MixMode Platform is a cutting-edge cybersecurity solution that is changing the game in threat detection and prioritization. The MixMode Platform offers a powerful alternative to traditional security tools by leveraging advanced artificial intelligence and a unique data analysis approach.

MixMode: Revolutionizing Threat Detection and Prioritization in Cybersecurity Read More →

Harnessing the Power of Advanced AI to Optimize Security

Organizations continue to face increasingly sophisticated cyber threats that require a proactive and adaptive approach to cybersecurity. As the volume and complexity of security data grows, security professionals are turning to advanced AI technologies to enhance their capabilities and stay ahead of emerging threats.

Harnessing the Power of Advanced AI to Optimize Security Read More →

Augmenting Legacy Controls with AI-driven Threat Detection and Response

As organizations grapple with the limitations of legacy security controls in the face of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats, integrating AI-driven threat detection and response capabilities presents a compelling opportunity to bolster their defenses.

Augmenting Legacy Controls with AI-driven Threat Detection and Response Read More →

Advanced Behavioral Detection Analytics: Enhancing Threat Detection with AI

Gartner just released its Emerging Tech Impact Radar: Security, which looked at technologies that could help organizations effectively detect and respond to attacks and create better efficiencies through AI-based security hyper-automation.

Advanced Behavioral Detection Analytics: Enhancing Threat Detection with AI Read More →

The Importance of Real-Time Threat Detection at Scale: Unveiling the Hidden Attack Surface

Real-time threat detection is crucial for organizations to effectively maintain their security posture and gain enhanced visibility to defend against ever-evolving cyber threats. However, many organizations face challenges implementing and maintaining effective threat detection capabilities. Legacy rules-based solutions and signature-based threat detection are no longer sufficient to protect against malicious activity. And doing it alone can be costly.

The Importance of Real-Time Threat Detection at Scale: Unveiling the Hidden Attack Surface Read More →

Protecting Your Assets: Why Financial Services Firms Need Advanced Threat Detection

The financial services industry handles vast amounts of highly sensitive financial information, including customer data, transaction records, and intellectual property, making them a prime target for cyber attacks.

Protecting Your Assets: Why Financial Services Firms Need Advanced Threat Detection Read More →

eBook: The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective At Detecting Advanced Attacks

Relying solely on legacy Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) technology is no longer sufficient to protect enterprise organizations from the rising amount of modern, ai-developed, sophisticated cyberattacks. In our newest eBook, we examine the limitations of SIEMs and emphasize the need for an AI-driven dynamic threat detection and response platform.

eBook: The Inefficiencies of Legacy Tools – Why SIEMs Alone Are Ineffective At Detecting Advanced Attacks Read More →

Aligning an Organization’s Attack Surface to Detection Surface is Key to Adversary Defense in Today’s Cloud Era

With the Cloud Era, the IT asset estate has expanded, and there is a diverse set of attack surfaces to defend. The term “attack surface” describes the growing IT asset estate, but there is no parallel term to describe where we can detect or respond to attacker activity.

Aligning an Organization’s Attack Surface to Detection Surface is Key to Adversary Defense in Today’s Cloud Era Read More →

Webinar Recap: Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks

In partnership with Ravenii, our 60-minute talk was hosted by MixMode’s Head of Sales and Alliances, Geoff Coulehan, CEO of Ravenii, Jeff Shipley, and MixMode’s CTO & Chief Scientist, Igor Mezic. They discussed key topics including:

Webinar Recap: Why Your Legacy Cyber Platforms Can’t Defend Against Modern Day Attacks Read More →

The Top 5 Considerations That Should Guide Your SOC Strategy in 2021 and Beyond

It’s evident that while organizations are spending more and more on legacy cybersecurity solutions, these platforms are not holding up their end of the deal and are not able to proactively defend in a modern, non-signature attack threatscape.

The Top 5 Considerations That Should Guide Your SOC Strategy in 2021 and Beyond Read More →

Performing Critical Cyber Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions Using MixMode

According to a recent M&A trends survey conducted by Deloitte, 51 percent of 1,000 Executives responsible for Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) at U.S. companies and private-equity investor firms listed cybersecurity threats as their top concern in executing deals virtually.

Performing Critical Cyber Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions Using MixMode Read More →

2021: The Year SOCs Embrace Cybersecurity Convergence

Staying on top of cybersecurity risk can feel like a losing battle in today’s modern, hyperconnected reality. The influx of IoT devices and increased reliance of BYOD devices has created a diverse, complex threatscape rife with overlapping vulnerabilities across physical and cyber assets.

2021: The Year SOCs Embrace Cybersecurity Convergence Read More →

Russian Hack of U.S. Federal Agencies Shine Spotlight on SIEM Failures in Cybersecurity

In what the New York Times is calling, “One of the most sophisticated and perhaps largest hacks in more than five years,” malicious adversaries acting on behalf of a foreign government, likely Russian, broke into the email systems of multiple U.S. Federal agencies including the Treasury and Commerce Departments.

Russian Hack of U.S. Federal Agencies Shine Spotlight on SIEM Failures in Cybersecurity Read More →

MixMode in the Real World: Customers Turn to MixMode Frustrated and in Search of a Viable SIEM Alternative

SIEM has failed to meet the needs of enterprises in the modern threatscape. One huge reason for this is that over time, most organizations will come to the sad realization that they will never achieve a full enterprise deployment of their SIEM. By its very nature, SIEM is always “in process.” It’s not unusual for an organization to have an SIEM in process for a full decade.

MixMode in the Real World: Customers Turn to MixMode Frustrated and in Search of a Viable SIEM Alternative Read More →

What is Predictive AI and How is it Being Used in Cybersecurity?

The predictive AI field of machine learning collects, analyzes, and tests data to predict future possibilities. AI’s neurological network is patterned on the human brain. But AI works on a scale that goes far beyond what is humanly possible. The top uses for predictive AI technologies to protect sensitive data and systems are in network detection and response (NDR), threat detection, and cybercrime prevention.

What is Predictive AI and How is it Being Used in Cybersecurity? Read More →

Encryption = Privacy ≠ Security

For the past few years, many have been talking about the changing “threat landscape” as it pertains to the increase in zero day, insider and phishing threats. While all of these threats are on the rise, and constitute a concern, there is, perhaps, an even larger shift presenting a threat to enterprises – the shift

Encryption = Privacy ≠ Security Read More →

How the Role of the Modern Security Analyst is Changing

As organizations began to rely more heavily on networking to carry out their operations over the past decade, IT teams added security analyst positions. These professionals focused on network security and providing regulatory compliance oversight.  Over time, the role of the security analyst has expanded to include threat hunting tasks. That is, evaluating security platform

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