Third Wave AI

Unveiling the Power: A Strategic Look at the Benefits of Using AI in Cybersecurity

If you’ve followed this blog series, you already know that Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a ubiquitous term, holding immense promise across various industries. Cybersecurity is no exception, with AI poised to revolutionize how organizations defend their data and systems against malicious activity. However, a crucial question remains: Are cybersecurity teams effectively harnessing AI’s potential for maximum security impact?

Unveiling the Power: A Strategic Look at the Benefits of Using AI in Cybersecurity Read More →

Unlocking the Power of True AI: MixMode’s Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity Solution

We have now reached the Third wave of AI: Contextual Reasoning. This revolutionary approach, pioneered by MixMode in cybersecurity, utilizes self-supervised and explainable AI to independently learn and adapt without reliance on rules or training data.

Unlocking the Power of True AI: MixMode’s Cutting-Edge Cybersecurity Solution Read More →

Navigating the Maze: A Measured Approach to AI Adoption in Cybersecurity

While a significant portion (53%) of respondents acknowledge their organization’s early-stage adoption of AI, only 18% report full deployment into integrated security programs. This cautious approach reflects the need for careful planning and implementation to ensure AI enhances, rather than hinders, security posture.

Navigating the Maze: A Measured Approach to AI Adoption in Cybersecurity Read More →

The AI Advantage: Mitigating the Security Alert Deluge in a Talent-Scarce Landscape

The cybersecurity landscape is under siege. Organizations are bombarded by a relentless barrage of security alerts, often exceeding a staggering 22,111 per week on average. While Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a powerful tool to manage this overwhelming volume, its effectiveness isn’t without limitations, as vendors flood the market with false advertising and promises.

The AI Advantage: Mitigating the Security Alert Deluge in a Talent-Scarce Landscape Read More →

The Evolving Threat Landscape: Why AI is Essential for Cybersecurity Success

This week, we’re looking into how the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly altered the threat landscape, introducing challenges and opportunities for organizations seeking to safeguard their data and infrastructure.

The Evolving Threat Landscape: Why AI is Essential for Cybersecurity Success Read More →

Harnessing the Power of Advanced AI to Optimize Security

Organizations continue to face increasingly sophisticated cyber threats that require a proactive and adaptive approach to cybersecurity. As the volume and complexity of security data grows, security professionals are turning to advanced AI technologies to enhance their capabilities and stay ahead of emerging threats.

Harnessing the Power of Advanced AI to Optimize Security Read More →


The history of cybersecurity is a tale of constant evolution, marked by the rise and fall of various defense mechanisms in the face of ever-changing threats. Security tools such as antivirus software and firewalls have long been the stalwarts of cyber defense, forming the bedrock of protection for organizations worldwide. While effective in their time,


Overcoming the Struggles of Modern Security: Harnessing the Power of AI for Enhanced Security Operations

One of the key areas that the Gartner report highlights is AI Enhanced Security Operations. The research observes that most AI development in security products so far has focused on detecting threats, but there is increasing potential to use AI to improve security operations and incident response.

Overcoming the Struggles of Modern Security: Harnessing the Power of AI for Enhanced Security Operations Read More →

Understanding the Joe Biden Executive Order on AI and Enhancing Cybersecurity: Key Takeaways and Recommendations

On October 30, 2023, the White House issued an Executive Order promoting safe, secure, and trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) deployment. This Executive Order recognizes the global challenges and opportunities presented by AI and emphasizes the need for collaboration, standards development, and responsible government use for national security.

Understanding the Joe Biden Executive Order on AI and Enhancing Cybersecurity: Key Takeaways and Recommendations Read More →

CISOs: Are You Applying NIST / CISA Standards to ALL Data Including the Cloud?

Security leaders want to solve problems identifying and understanding anomalies or account access behaviors by correlating anomalous behaviors of specific accounts with other parameters like geography or ingress and egress points, but few rules-based Cybersecurity tools have the ability to do that without a great deal of manual data massaging and manipulating.

CISOs: Are You Applying NIST / CISA Standards to ALL Data Including the Cloud? Read More →

Verizon’s Annual Data Breach Incident Report (DBIR) Shines Spotlight on Ransomware Trends & Insider Threats

New research from Verizon reveals that ransomware is responsible for a sizable percentage of all recorded security incidents. Despite the alarming statistics raised in the report, the tech giant warns, we’re likely to see continued growth in the number of ransomware attacks against organizations.

Verizon’s Annual Data Breach Incident Report (DBIR) Shines Spotlight on Ransomware Trends & Insider Threats Read More →

Aligning an Organization’s Attack Surface to Detection Surface is Key to Adversary Defense in Today’s Cloud Era

With the Cloud Era, the IT asset estate has expanded, and there is a diverse set of attack surfaces to defend. The term “attack surface” describes the growing IT asset estate, but there is no parallel term to describe where we can detect or respond to attacker activity.

Aligning an Organization’s Attack Surface to Detection Surface is Key to Adversary Defense in Today’s Cloud Era Read More →

How to Detect PowerDrop Command & Control Malware

MixMode Sales Engineer, Josh Snow, explores a real-time threat detection use case involving The MixMode Platform and its ability to identify PowerDrop, a malicious Powershell script that has been specifically targeting the aerospace industry and shows how MixMode’s Third Wave AI detects PowerDrop and gain insights into what this threat entails.

How to Detect PowerDrop Command & Control Malware Read More →

Utilizing Generative AI Effectively in Cybersecurity

Generative AI tools have the potential to enhance various aspects of cybersecurity, from data augmentation and malware detection to anomaly detection and security testing. By harnessing the power of Generative AI, organizations can strengthen their defenses, improve threat detection capabilities, and enhance their overall cybersecurity posture.

Utilizing Generative AI Effectively in Cybersecurity Read More →

How to Use The MixMode Platform to Discover NTLM Authentication and Validate Windows SMB Signing Requirements

NTLM (New Technology Land Manager) has been a protocol used for over 20 years, but it suffers from weak cryptography and vulnerabilities like NTLM relay attacks. In this video, we explore the implications of this change, the importance of identifying NTLM in your infrastructure, and how MixMode can help in this process.

How to Use The MixMode Platform to Discover NTLM Authentication and Validate Windows SMB Signing Requirements Read More →

AI Offers Potential to Enhance The U.S. Department of Homeland Security

The establishment of the AI Task Force by the DHS demonstrates a commitment to harnessing the potential of AI in addressing emerging threats and safeguarding national security. By leveraging AI technology in various areas, such as supply chain integrity, countering drug trafficking, combating online child exploitation, and securing critical infrastructure, the DHS aims to stay ahead of evolving risks and protect the nation more effectively.

AI Offers Potential to Enhance The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Read More →

MixMode’s Key Takeaways from the 2023 Gartner® Emerging Tech: Security— Improve Threat Detection and Response With AI-Based Behavioral Indications Report

Gartner recently released their newest report titled “Emerging Tech: Security – Improve Threat Detection and Response With AI-Based Behavioral Indications” which covers the emergent need for new AI-Based methods of using behavioral patterns to identify threats.

MixMode’s Key Takeaways from the 2023 Gartner® Emerging Tech: Security— Improve Threat Detection and Response With AI-Based Behavioral Indications Report Read More →

Evolving Role of the CISO: From IT Security to Business Resilience

With more and more large organizations relying on technology to conduct business, the need for a skilled CISO has become increasingly important. No longer just overseeing IT security efforts, the CISO is now responsible for a wide range of cyber defenses from data protection to compliance and even physical security.

Evolving Role of the CISO: From IT Security to Business Resilience Read More →

Forbes Technology Council: The Cybersecurity Implications Of ChatGPT And Third Wave Generative AI Models

Although generative models have been in development for some time, ChatGPT’s public release has raised important questions about the nature of these models, their potential impact, and their role in fields like cybersecurity. To understand their significance, Dr. Mezic explores the history and development of AI, distinguishes between the different waves of AI technology, and ultimately the implications for cybersecurity.

Forbes Technology Council: The Cybersecurity Implications Of ChatGPT And Third Wave Generative AI Models Read More →